Tungsten Alloy for Anti-Drone Ammunitions

Recent warfare has demonstrated the rapid rise of drones as a formidable threat on the battlefield. Tungsten-based pellet ammunition offers a practical, effective and affordable anti-drone solution. For more details, please visit our page.

Our US Facility is Coming Soon

To meet the increasing demand for tungsten components in the defense sector, Agescan plans to collaborate with its U.S. partner to establish a manufacturing facility in Michigan, USA. The plant will receive a $20 million investment, funded by a leading American metal producer, a private equity firm, and Agescan. We are excited to manufacture high-quality, high-performance tungsten heavy alloy components in the United States.

About Agescan International

Agescan Internationals Inc. (ASI), a Canadian Company is well established with extensive experience and capability in supplying and sales of tungstenand special­ty alloy materials and products. ASI maintains significant production capacity while expanding to support various industries such as outdoor sports, aerospace,medical, automotive, petroleum and industrial customers with our high-quality tung­sten and various alloy materials and finished products.

Tungsten Supter Shot(TSS)

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High-Tensile Superb Bismuth Shot

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  • ISO9001-2015

  • SHOT Show Official Vendor

  • ASTM B777 & B774

Tungsten Super Shot (TSS)

Tungsten Super Shot (“TSS”) is a typical hard metal alloy product made of 95% Tungsten powder, 5% Nickle and Iron powder to reach a density as high as 18-18.3 g/cc, which is 60% denser than traditional lead shot.

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High-tensile Bismuth Shot

Our revolutionary high-tensile strength bismuth compound has perfectly overcome brittleness issues. Compared to the lead shot with the same dimension, we have applied 5 times the force to crush our high-tensile bismuth compounds.

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Tungsten Heavy Alloy

Tungsten heavy alloys are refractory metals with two-phase composites consisting of W-Ni- Fe or W-Ni- Cu or even W-Ni-Cu-Fe. Some tungsten alloys are infused with Co, Mo, Cr, or other additives.

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Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shielding

Tungsten Alloy Radiation Shield is the best choice for radiation shielding applications, which could be used in both medical fields and industrial areas. Compared to traditional radiation shielding materials, such as lead, tungsten radiation shielding provides excellent properties.

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